What is Druidism?
What is Druidism?
That question can have a hundred different answers all dependent on the person you ask. There is no set beliefs that make up a Druid. The only overarching truth is that we respect and revere nature.
Nature, Terra, Earth, Mother Earth, Gaia.
There are so many different words to describe the world outside of our mobile devices and big screen tv’s.
When I walk outside of my front door or look out of an open window I see beauty and divinity. We live in a world that if left to its own devices would be in perfect harmony. The wild places of this world are our Temples.
What are the varied views on the Great Spirit or God, are different to each Druid you ask? For me there are two forms of the Greater Divine. A woman and a man that take the form they want, be that a galloping horse or a man with antlers on his head. Their true form is not for me to know on this side of the veil.
I believe I have seen them once, this one encounter had such a profound effect on my life. I had attempted to commit suicide and I truly believe my spirit was between this realm and the next. A man and a woman greeted me while I sat at the base of an ancient tree finally at peace and sent me back to continue my life because it was not my time.
That vision if you will of the other side of the veil could be all a figment of my imagination from taking too many prescription medications in an attempt to end my life. I really believe in the deepest parts of my heart that it was true and real. It gave me the strength to continue in this cruel world we have created. It gets me through the hard days and lightens the easy ones.
When I walk among the trees my spirit soars among the spirits of the trees and animals.
Some other beliefs among many but not all Druids is the betterment of ourselves especially in striving for more wisdom, pushing our creativity to its limits and also in seeking out love. I have been blessed in finding my Soulmate in my husband Tim and also for finding the love of my four-legged daughter Zeva.
Some Druids practice magic some do not there are even Christian Druids. It is such a large spectrum, Druidism and Wicca share many similarities in my mind at least and the path I follow to some is called Druidcraft. I like to keep it simple and just call myself Druid, I look to nature for inspiration and peace.
I found this picture on Google Images, I could not find copyright information so this is the property of the photographer. Whoever that may be. |
Q: Do you believe in an afterlife?
A: Yes I do, I’m of the belief that it is just another stop in the journey of life. After a time we will reincarnate into some other form or our souls will inhabit another body. I really hope my next life is an animal with wings. I would love to fly through the sky and be truly free.
Q: Do you believe in evolution?
A: In a way I do, I think this world is too complex and perfect for it to be completely random though. It is to foreign of a concept that everything was just random convergence. My belief is that the God and Goddess have helped guide the process along to achieve harmony and to help their creations, their family if you will to survive. I do NOT believe they just popped our world into existence one day. It's more of a happy balance, the gods just gave evolution a helpful push in the right direction.
Q: You said God and Goddess… but I thought everything was divine?
A: This is where things get a little murky. My belief is that all things in this world are related to the great Gods and Goddess. Our whole planet and even ones beyond our solar system owe our existence to the “parents” that guided our development. They are part of us and we are part of them but we are not the same thing.
Q: Do you pray to your gods?
A: Yes and it’s complicated. I honor the Gods at my altar I keep in my home. I have prayed in the traditional sense often but I also help achieve the goals of those prayers in my regular life and by magical means.
Q: Magic?!? Like Harry Potter?
A: Nothing of the sort! Harry Potter is awesome and all but I can’t just flick my wand and make something levitate. It’s a lot more complicated for us regular people. Witches, Wiccans, Druids even some people that follow one of the more mainstream religions can practice magic by influencing the natural energy of the world via Energy Play, use of herbs, crystals, runes, tarot, oils, and a plethora of other mediums. This blog I hope to be a learning experience on many of these mediums!
Q: So you worship a God and Goddess correct?
A: Yes, I worship a God and a Goddess I have called them by many names over the years. They represent the energy that has given form to so many Gods and Goddess over the millennia that Humans have lived on this awesome planet. I also honor the Spirits of Nature in the form of the four elements, Fire, Air, Water and Earth. When I practice my craft and perform Rituals I invoke the elements and welcome the God and Goddess into my sacred space to witness my energy work. Sometimes I perform Rituals just to honor the above mentioned.
Q: Wait Rituals? Do you sacrifice animals?
A: Yes Rituals. No I do not sacrifice animals. I could never hurt poor animals. It sickens me to even think about.
Q: If you couldn't hurt animals does that mean that you are vegan or vegetarian?
A: No, I eat meat. Humans were designed to eat meat we are Omnivores. I could kill an animal if I had to eat. I am not averse to hunting. I just don’t go around hurting animals for rituals. I have enough energy all on my own and with the help of the other mediums I use to perform my rituals.
Q: You mentioned tarot cards, does that mean that you can tell a person's future by reading the cards?
A: They work more like influences on the person's future. The future is not set so the reading by an expert can tell you what is affecting the situation in question and of likely futures. I am so far from an expert but I am learning. People also use Runes to achieve the same thing. Both also can be used in Ritual to help achieve your desired result. I will talk more about both of these options in future posts.
If you have any questions that I did not answer here please ask them in the comments below this post! I am happy to discuss my beliefs and life. If there is a lot of questions I may reserve all the answers for another Q and A post so they can be all in one place for future readers.
I also want to point out that I have added a feature on the blog to contact me if you have any question or just want to talk! To reach this feature just click the three dashes next to the header and a drop down menu pops up with a few different features. I have also added an archive to the same area and page views! Let's get those numbers up!
My last point to make again is that this is my specific path. Druidism is so different to so many people.
Blessed Be My Friends!
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