Mabon or the Autumn Equinox

Hello all, Autumn is my favorite time of year and the equinox is the first day of Autumn so its good in my book. The Autumn Equinox or Mabon, is equal parts day and night. Specifically it is when the days get shorter and the nights get longer. It is a time of change.

There are three harvest festivals, Lammas which is the first, Mabon and lastly Samhain the last. The first one is when the grains are done being harvested, Mabon is when the fruits are done and Samhain is when all the harvests are complete and marks the end of the Pagan year.

I was watching a video earlier today and she had some great ideas about the holiday. Historically I can't attest to the accuracy but the idea is that Mabon is a time to acknowledge your blessings. it is also a time of change in the season, one of the most vivid changes of the year.

My plans are to count my blessings. I set up a "blessing" shelf on my bookshelf that is filled with pictures of my dog and my partner. I also have a electric picture frame with pictures of family and friends on shuffle.

With the energy of change in the air I got the motivation to set up an altar on my other book shelf dedicated to the season. I plan on changing the decor on that shelf as the wheel of the year changes.

The energy of the season has also infused a lot of other things in my life.  I am really trying to get outside more as the temp outside finally dropped below 80's. Yesterday we went apple picking for the first time ever and even went to the Pagan Pride Festival a few weeks ago. It has really just got me off my butt and gotten me moving. in a few weeks we are going pumpkin picking because what  would Autumn be without pumpkins.

I also have been working on all of my crafting ideas that just keep poping into my head. My plans soon will be to get some of my work up on etsy and maybe even set up as a vendor at the Pagan festivals in the coming year. We will see if the energy lasts.

The moral of the season is to take in the great things in life and find the things you want to get rid of and shed those thing before the New Year on Samhain so that you can start the next season unburdened.

May the light shine on you friends and readers. 


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