Samhain gone and past.
Samhain, Halloween, All Hallows Eve.
October 31st is a lot of things to a lot of people, specifically in the united states. To most of the United States Halloween is a day of spooky times and kids with candy yelling Trick or Treat. I grew up going trick or treating every year and it always brought me such joy to dress as something new every year and visit the neighbors after dark to get candy. I've always been fascinated with October and the "monster" imagery associated with it. Of course because I have always loved this time of year I naturally grew to love the holiday Samhain, the root of what is now Halloween.
Samhain to me at least is a time of new beginnings and of course endings. It is called the Witches New Year by many and is a time to let go of the past and accept the changes that come with that. I tried a new tradition this year I had a fire to celebrate the holiday and used it to burn a paper with things I wanted to let go of.
It is also a time when the veil between this world and the next is thin. I used the day to really reflect on a lost family member. I tried to connect with her as I sat before the flames of my fire. It may be seven years since she died but I felt like she was there next to me.
There are so many things I miss about my Grandma Jeanie, so many things I never found out. I took the time throughout October to look up information on her and try to find out more about her life. I didn't find out too much but I found out some, it made me feel a little better as I sat there on Samhain gazing into the fire. For the first time ever I had truly honored my ancestor.
Her picture now adorns my shelf of memories alongside pictures of other family. I learned that we need to remember our family and truly honor those that pass away. For they are never truly gone. I still am trying to come to terms with what happens after death but I believe that we do not reincarnate immediately. I believe she is on another plane of existence watching over me waiting for her time to rejoin our crazy world. I just hope I bring a smile to her face as she watches through the looking glass.
Now enough with the feels!
Being as it was still Halloween I celebrated with friends at my house they joined Tim and I for a fire in the back yard. Everyone brought a dish and special shout out to Rhonda for bringing most of the food and cooking for everyone after working all day. Props go out to her! Anyway. A few friends joined us and we just enjoyed the company of each other. Many laughs ensued and all had fun, what more could anyone ask for.
For decor we had Spirit Lights which are basically tin cans that are washed and cleaned then holes are popped into them. Sand is added and a tea light to shine through. The cans have designs on them that could be anything. We had three so one was a T and a C for Tim and I. We had one with a J on either side for my Grandma and one last one that was a bind rune to help facilitate communication with the other side. Of course we had Jack-O-Lanterns also because why not!
The last thing I really associate Samhain with is Divination. I did no divination on that night but it brought me back to my tarot deck and my runes. I have been studying and practicing ever since. I am making a serious effort for once to try to learn my deck. You could say it is my new years resolution.
Now that I have finished rambling why don't you share your Halloween/Samhain traditions in the Comments below. I would love to hear about your associations to this great Holiday.
As Always Yours,
October 31st is a lot of things to a lot of people, specifically in the united states. To most of the United States Halloween is a day of spooky times and kids with candy yelling Trick or Treat. I grew up going trick or treating every year and it always brought me such joy to dress as something new every year and visit the neighbors after dark to get candy. I've always been fascinated with October and the "monster" imagery associated with it. Of course because I have always loved this time of year I naturally grew to love the holiday Samhain, the root of what is now Halloween.
Samhain to me at least is a time of new beginnings and of course endings. It is called the Witches New Year by many and is a time to let go of the past and accept the changes that come with that. I tried a new tradition this year I had a fire to celebrate the holiday and used it to burn a paper with things I wanted to let go of.
It is also a time when the veil between this world and the next is thin. I used the day to really reflect on a lost family member. I tried to connect with her as I sat before the flames of my fire. It may be seven years since she died but I felt like she was there next to me.
There are so many things I miss about my Grandma Jeanie, so many things I never found out. I took the time throughout October to look up information on her and try to find out more about her life. I didn't find out too much but I found out some, it made me feel a little better as I sat there on Samhain gazing into the fire. For the first time ever I had truly honored my ancestor.
Her picture now adorns my shelf of memories alongside pictures of other family. I learned that we need to remember our family and truly honor those that pass away. For they are never truly gone. I still am trying to come to terms with what happens after death but I believe that we do not reincarnate immediately. I believe she is on another plane of existence watching over me waiting for her time to rejoin our crazy world. I just hope I bring a smile to her face as she watches through the looking glass.
Now enough with the feels!
Being as it was still Halloween I celebrated with friends at my house they joined Tim and I for a fire in the back yard. Everyone brought a dish and special shout out to Rhonda for bringing most of the food and cooking for everyone after working all day. Props go out to her! Anyway. A few friends joined us and we just enjoyed the company of each other. Many laughs ensued and all had fun, what more could anyone ask for.
For decor we had Spirit Lights which are basically tin cans that are washed and cleaned then holes are popped into them. Sand is added and a tea light to shine through. The cans have designs on them that could be anything. We had three so one was a T and a C for Tim and I. We had one with a J on either side for my Grandma and one last one that was a bind rune to help facilitate communication with the other side. Of course we had Jack-O-Lanterns also because why not!
The last thing I really associate Samhain with is Divination. I did no divination on that night but it brought me back to my tarot deck and my runes. I have been studying and practicing ever since. I am making a serious effort for once to try to learn my deck. You could say it is my new years resolution.
Now that I have finished rambling why don't you share your Halloween/Samhain traditions in the Comments below. I would love to hear about your associations to this great Holiday.
As Always Yours,
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