Runes and more runes!
If it hasn't been said enough I will say it again. I love Runes! Specifically Elder Futhark, they click in my head unlike any other form of divination will ever do. For those that know nothing of them Runes are a tool that can be used to cast magic and also for divination. They are symbols on all kinds of mediums and are cast out, the user reads the runes that are face up based on their proximity to the center you designate and how close they are to each other. That is just one way though, many people use them in spreads just like tarot or draw one rune each day for a forecast if you will. Again it is a tool, the user decides how they are to be read. In my practice I use this board to help me "recharge" the runes that adorn a bracelet I wear daily. This is a set I made for Samhain, it's made out of Pumpkin seeds. Last but definitely not least is my buffalo bone set that I use daily. I also used runes to add power to my Staff that I carry when I hik...